Case study

Network Rail

The Challenge

Network rail have been a member of VERCIDA for over 3 years and they were having particular issues around attracting females to apply for a role within Network Rail.

VERCIDAs challenge was to attract more female led signallers in what is seen to be a white male dominated job role to apply for signaller roles at Network Rail.

What We Did

VERCIDA used its rich database to target females registered on the VERCIDA platform.

We created two email campaigns targeting females registered on and we created a targeted social media campaign to the same demographics.

The Impact

13,536 total reach
1873 users reaching the landing page that hosted the information and application details
5m 58s average time on page 
Interested registrations 871 clicks
471 apply clicks to job advert
Network rail reported an increase:
Increase reach of:
16% Female
9% Black and Minority Ethnic
Interest in the roles advertised
67% Female
33% Male
Clicked to apply
62% Female
38% Male

Network Rail used other media channels and platforms to help reach the targeted demographics including Google, Facebook and LinkedIn Advertising, Glassdoor and others Total Page views 22,743 to the landing page with VERCIDA producing 68% of the targeted traffic and 471 applications which was one of the biggest channels and success rates for the campaign for Network Rail.

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