Case study

Non Profit

The Challenge

The charity comprises over 100 local operations across England and supports vulnerable people in more than 40 countries worldwide. They asked Vercida to design and deliver, in partnership with the charity, a series of activities to raise awareness of ED&I and to embed ED&I into their day to day organisational activities.

What We Did

The project's first phase consisted of designing and facilitating a series of Conscious Inclusion workshops whose objective was to raise awareness of diversity and inclusion amongst the employee population. This was set against a background where race inclusion at work issues was becoming increasingly important as a key organisational-wide priority.

Following a series of Listening groups with staff and interviews with senior leaders, we designed and delivered a programme of 2-hour interactive workshops that explored the principles and practical application of creating a culture of inclusion against a backdrop of promoting greater awareness of best practices in respect of racial inclusion.

The key objectives for this programme were to;

  • Raise awareness of the principles of organisational diversity and organisational inclusion
  • Consider ways in which we all make judgements about different groups and how these judgements can create a sense of ‘Othering’ amongst diverse colleagues
  • Overview of the concept of white privilege and institutional racism
  • Explore how micro-inequities play out at this particular non-profit
  • Provide a set of best practice tips on how to promote conscious inclusion in both an office and retail environment
  • Having difficult conversations on race inclusion at work

The Impact

To date, almost 500 individuals have attended the training programme, including Executive leadership, Directors, Heads of departments, Managers and Non-Managers. Over 500 individual micro-actions have been created, which are used to create a systematic culture shift within the charity and are a measure of the commitment to individual change. The workshops ranked excellent in facilitation, content and applicable to the work environment and the client has committed to expanding the programme throughout 2023. 

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